Rules are implemented across workplaces to ensure a safe, comfortable and organised working environment for employees.
But in some cases, the rules are questioned for being either too strict or having no purpose.
‘The company has more than enough money to provide coffee at all hours of the day. But they insist that drinking coffee in the afternoon is wasteful,’ one man said.
‘They instructed the secretaries to take away and lock up the decanters and bag of coffee at 2PM.’
One man said employees at his workplace were allowed no facial hair other than a moustache
Stay sitting: Worked in a call center, no standing or getting up had to sit… so 5.5 hours of sitting down between last break and getting off work,’ one Redditor wrote
One Redditor said they weren’t allowed to date coworkers… even though they were in a small town and it was a big company
Another company allowed women to wear shorts but not men, while another demanded that their staff never wear glitter (both make up and clothing)
‘The uniform was black but we had to have a specific colored accessory……’ one man wrote
‘It changed monthly and colours never repeated. The colours were very specific as well. It was never just “a shade of blue”. It was like, January was Cerulean and February was EmeraldGreen….’
‘No open-back sandals because we might fall,’ one said.